Cymatic therapy involves the soothing application of audible sound therapy directly to the body,

providing direct physical benefits and working upon the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), offering holistic support via the acupuncture meridian system.

Cymatic therapy involves the soothing application of audible sound therapy directly to the body,

providing direct physical benefits and working upon the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), offering holistic support via the acupuncture meridian system.

Cymatic therapy involves the soothing application of audible sound therapy directly to the body,

providing direct physical benefits and working upon the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), offering holistic support via the acupuncture meridian system.

Cymatic therapy can provide effective relief for...


Back pain

Joint conditions

Stress and tension

Digestive health

Energetic support

Skin health and cosmetic support

Clinic appointments, locations and services...

Weekly clinic services by appointment only available in London and High Wycombe.

Books training and workshops...

A wide range of books, online training courses and introductory workshops are available. Please click on the relevant icons below to find out more...

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